
Software engineer salary range for IC4/IC5 at Nvidia

Hi Nvidia Folks What is the salary range and initial RSU grant for IC4 and IC5 for a software engineering position? How many years is the initial RSU grant for? I read there is no yearly bonus but due you get RSU grant every year? If so, is it only after the initial grant expires? What are the best perks of working at Nvidia? Please don’t say stock appreciation or cool Company as we never know and it’s not in our hands completely. I am looking for like company paying to do some courses, free phones lines, etc Thank you! Blind Tax: 400K

Lyft carrots🥕 Jan 31


Qualcomm BRAmbSucks Jan 31

Yoe @op?

NVIDIA taVo45 Jan 31

Why not check

Adobe lifeofpii OP Jan 31 doesn’t show range


Do what? lol.

AMD ptDq41 Jan 31

Nvidia doesn’t have free phone lines and not the company with lots of perks.

NVIDIA !Heisenbrg Jan 31

I’m okay giving up free food and the onsite gyms and continue working from home to not get laid off.

NVIDIA JobHopperr Jan 31

- No layoffs in last 3 years - Refreshers every year, adds to current vest - Interesting work (depends on team) - Remote (depends on team) - Compensation growth is huge if you stay longer - Low Attrition in the company, average time period is 4 years from what I have seen. - Management handled things exceptionally well during Covid (bonuses, remote) - Employees who joined at a higher price were compensated with extra RSUs when our stock was down - Our Appraisal cycle has been pulled in this year, because why not. You can check for 'depends on team' factors during your interviews.

Adobe lifeofpii OP Jan 31

Thank you for the detailed information! 🙏

Meta sgjbwkd Feb 5

Let’s say someone joined as entry level hardware engineer in 2012, now high sr engineer and never sold their refresher. How rich would they be?