Misc.Apr 29, 2020

Sold Microsoft stocks during downturn and now regret it

I sold Microsoft stocks during the downturn and it has risen a lot since then. I panicked a bit and sold a bunch and the regret is killing me. Anyone else in same boat as me? How do you deal with regret? Buy at higher price? TC: 270K YOE: 3.5 Update: Did some short term trading and was able to recover the money. Thank you all

OpenDoor hhiiiiiii Apr 29, 2020

How much?

LinkedIn higjk OP Apr 29, 2020

Around 75K worth

OpenDoor hhiiiiiii Apr 29, 2020

Not enough to lose sleep over.

AppNexus blesser Apr 29, 2020

Same here. Don’t beat yourself up though - there will be a dip sooner rather than later. Planning to re-enter in the lower 150s.

PayPal ppall May 6, 2020

But how do you know dip will be there?

LinkedIn VPgG06 May 13, 2020

Maybe just cut your losses and don't try to time the market 😃

Tableau AcidBurnn Apr 29, 2020

What did you do with the cash?

LinkedIn higjk OP Apr 29, 2020

Panicked again when stocks started going up like crazy, and put it in another big tech company. I am up in that but still down a lot had I not sold it in the first place

Tableau AcidBurnn Apr 29, 2020

You see, that was the stupid move.

Google ace12345 Apr 29, 2020

Ah yes sell low and buy high. That always works !

Microsoft msft51 Apr 29, 2020

I held every share. I was close to exiting my position but held it. I was thinking I have enough unvested shares, but then I was like nah it will bounce back up. So happy I did. But it’s hard to time markets. I unloaded half my S&P500 positions in December sensing a market correction and frothiness. I bought back in a quarter of it at $280, but was like catching a falling knife, since it dropped down to $220. We all make mistakes, but you have to keep your head up as you made the best decision at a point in time, it doesn’t always work out.

Microsoft uli30 Apr 29, 2020

I sold between 160-170. Needed some money + wanted to boost emergency funds. You can dollar cost average on ETFs if you are sure that you want to get back in the market

Google vettel Apr 29, 2020

Wtf. You earn 270k and crying because you sold 75k . You lost what? 30k max? Its nothing

LinkedIn higjk OP Apr 29, 2020

Well yes my TC is 270K which has risen gradually, but I don't get 270K in hand after taxes which you will know. And 30K is a lot for me still as I come from a humble background and haven't seen this much money until now

slikcowboi Apr 29, 2020

Seriously lmao, I make $210k and yolo’d 15k on spy puts and lost everything and haven’t even thought about it

Amazon nbEj60 Apr 29, 2020

Doesn't hurt to take profit

Salesforce ebDP06o Apr 29, 2020

buy options and earn the delta ?

LinkedIn higjk OP Apr 29, 2020

Can you explain what do you mean by delta? I am a noob here

Salesforce ebDP06o Apr 29, 2020

I meant whatever profit u lost since you can invest in options you can earn more by taking more risk

Amazon Koyl86 Apr 29, 2020

15k is nothing when you are in the market even if you are from a humble background. Take the lesson learnt, keep calm during dips. Panic selling/buying always ends up on the losing side. I was in a similar position myself with options, lost 15k in a single day because of a hasty decision. But I have a good lesson now that will help me take better decisions going forward.

LinkedIn higjk OP Apr 29, 2020

Definitely a lesson learnt. Thanks!