SpaceX job applications require SAT scores, undergrad GPA, and so on.

I thought Elon Musk was one of those progressive Silicon Valley guys who always says it's cool to dropout of college and we don't care about your educational credentials and so on?

dogfoodie Feb 1

What level is the position? I could see an argument for low-level positions where your industry experience may not be enough of an indicator. If it's for 10+ YOE roles, then that's just idiotic.

Microsoft cpp98 OP Feb 1

Required for Sr. roles

MRM TWG_202023 Feb 1

A terrible company does terrible things. I sucked at the SAT and never went to college, so it’s good that I never plan to work there. TC: 105K

Google state 🌲 Feb 1

MRM!! Nice to see that TC bump. You up about $15K over the last year?

MRM TWG_202023 Feb 1

Yes, from $90K to $105K! Thank you for the kind words!

Indeed pm3a83 Feb 1

If a company ever asked for my SAT score I'd laugh in their face

Roku bigbang! Feb 1

Well, they are hiring employees, not founders.

Western Digital empl0yeet Feb 1

No they don't

Microsoft cpp98 OP Feb 1

Yes, they do. Start to Apply at and see for yourself.

Microsoft living👻 Feb 1

Wtf is that link post the official site. No one is clicking on that

Salesforce gfdduvdtt Feb 1

You don’t want dei building rockets lol. Look at boeing

Google LaminatedK Feb 1

Conservativism might be the real mind virus. Everything must be related to being woke or dei or other bullshit.

Salesforce gfdduvdtt Feb 1

What’s wrong with asking for test scores? Unless you are a nerd you probably don’t want to work there anyways. Literally everyone in banking would ask you the same shit. Same if you try to go to a hedge fund.

Jellyfish lastofoz Feb 1

It's a measure for how tame people are . Students with high scores and advanced degrees are good at taking orders.

SpaceX XX::XX Feb 1

Uh what?

Amazon Gmop12 Feb 1

You expect Musk to be consistent/honest in philosophy and leadership? The man seems to make decisions by Twitter poll!

SpaceX Haney Feb 1

Yeah it's kind of embarrassing. Good news is the hiring managers don't care.

SpaceX XX::XX Feb 1

It’s just another way to get signal. High SAT correlates with high IQ. It’s not a blocker if your profile is impressive in other ways. Seems completely fine to me.

SpaceX gfydin Feb 1

Well, I'm a foreigner and don't have either of the scores, that totally didn't prevent them from hiring me. Doubt that this really matters

SpaceX 17362726 Feb 6

Same here - foreign and don’t have any of that. Got into a manager title. They don’t care and I like that.