Tech IndustryDec 23, 2016
MicrosoftUX ace

SpaceX salary

Hey all I'd really love to work at SpaceX but am not sure what to expect for a software engineer salary. I've done some searching but haven't come up with any hard numbers. If any SpaceXers can chime in with total comp and details, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Microsoft UX ace OP Dec 23, 2016

As I mentioned I am hoping to see total compensation with breakdown. I'm just not sure how representative the salary on Glassdoor really is.

Microsoft Segal Dec 23, 2016

Less. And enjoy the commute out of the Hawthorne shit hole. :(

Microsoft UX ace OP Dec 23, 2016

I'm aware salary will be less but am interested if stocks make up for it. Also, I'm potentially interested in the new Redmond office because fuck everything about LA

Microsoft Segal Dec 24, 2016

That would be better. I haven't heard anything significant in terms of stock out of the ordinary. So I wouldn't count on it to compensate. You work at spaceX for the privilege of doing awesome things you can't do anywhere else. Not for the money. Standard aerospace is about 25% less than high tech.

Google nifty15 Dec 23, 2016

have u applied yet? if ur really passionate u should go for it and then figure out if u want to join if u get an offer. btw they also have no plans to go IPO. Elon would want to go to Mars first before he would IPO

Microsoft UX ace OP Dec 23, 2016

I plan to very soon. I do like to have as much information as possible before making moves though. It's just good strategy :)

Microsoft UX ace OP Dec 25, 2016

Bumping hoping for responses.

Microsoft SniffSniff Mar 15, 2017

bumping again for responses

Microsoft MeIRL Apr 23, 2017

Comp is low compared to other companies, even with stocks - I still accepted the offer though coz it's awesome

SpaceX iNcu15 Jul 24, 2017

took a pay cut to come here, made some moves to get ahead im 20% up since i started. You won't get much by way of stock. The time to get in was 5 years ago. I'm here because I feel a strong sense of pride working here.