
Spark/Scala vs Springboot/Java

I’m part of two teams - working on distributed systems with HDFS storage (no cloud). Tech stack is Kafka, Spark, Scala, Hbase Other project is Java Springboot on PCF Which one should I prefer working more for a better career growth ? My target is to get into big tech Senior roles for higher tc. YOE: 6 TC: 150k

27 Participants
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Google topkek1 Jan 25

The bigger data one, biggest data

Amazon LiquidMeta Jan 25

brah, why do google recruiter connect me with fullstack even though I've distributed systems work only. Can you refer me for any such role ?

Amazon LiquidMeta Jan 25

1st one. Make a poll.

Oracle justnothin OP Jan 25

Even if the storage is on-prem (Cloudera) ?

Amazon LiquidMeta Jan 25

Yes, salesforce has both and look at it's infra. It's just api call wrapper even in cloud like s3a or hdfs client.

PayPal Jan 25

AI AI will get you into the big tech

Oracle justnothin OP Jan 25

Do you mind elaborating ? You mean using AI in my preparation?

Verizon Media adCodeMonk Jan 25

Without more information,Take the hdfs storage option. Looks like it has more scale and scope to solve complex distributed systems problems. U can get into ML engineering roles later on for setting up model training infrastructure Ur spring boot service might just be a simple crud application with no real scale. Again I don’t know what that service is spring boot and Java doesn’t add any points. If that service is awesome , things would be different. What do they do with their spring boot and cloud infrastructure??

Adobe gtuycs Jan 25

Tech doesn’t matter as a senior. You just need marketing.

Amazon LiquidMeta Jan 25

OF ?

Adobe gtuycs Jan 25

Of yourself. Visibility and impact is the only thing

notosama Jan 26

Having “Option*:” in the poll is redundant, imo. Its already an OR poll