Tech IndustryJul 7, 2022


Found a few roles at Splunk that are a good fit. How is the company doing? What is the Plano office like? Can anyone refer me? TC: 225 @ Splunk #splunk

Splunk jefftrain Jul 7, 2022


Splunk fKLl14 Jul 10, 2022

Joined in January one piece of advice run

Splunk fKLl14 Jul 10, 2022

Cloud tech is smoke and mirrors. It’s splunk on the cloud not splunk cloud. No pay as you go model. They are trying to remain relevant but not actually moving forward. Was hoping Gary would bring more SaaS direction but no go. They have a business model that won’t fit with the future of technology. So in a long answer. Both.

Yelp bcdtebjfiw Jul 11, 2022

How long have you been at Splunk? Anything you like about the culture? I want to interview and am genuinely excited about the product/ company.