Splunk Director of Product vs AWS L7

Are they equivalent in level? How does the pay compare? Level.fyi does not have the comparative data for PMs so asking here. #splunk #aws

Levels.fyi - Compare career levels across companies
Levels.fyi - Compare career levels across companies
Splunk Tom Yum Apr 8, 2021

They should roughly be the same levels. In terms of compensation, I am guessing Splunk Dir is anywhere starting from mid to high 500's, could be more if you are a seasoned veteran and are coming from a tier 1 company. L7 at AWS I hear is late 400s/ early 500s.

Microsoft who__am__i OP Apr 8, 2021

Thanks! What are the levels at Splunk? Next are senior director? VP?

Facebook NestrCoyn Apr 8, 2021

The director role I was looking at reported to a sr. Director. I think their director role is closer to a GPM. Also, I got a weird vibe from them but maybe that's just a cloud SaaS thing.