Tech IndustrySep 11, 2021

Square Frontend Interview

Hi am gonna have my frontend interview this Tuesday and the recruiter told me that it's going to be pair programming. This is the initial round. Can someone tell me what kind of questions to expect? Is it any framework-specific or just Vanilla javascript questions? #tech #square #frontend #interview

CEO πŸ€‘ Sep 11, 2021

Just vanilla JavaScript questions. I got a question related to finding the total number rectangles possible with the given 2d coordinates. I did the brute force method successfully but came up with a optimized solution with many hints. In the end, I didn’t qualify for next rounds. Good luck with your interview.

Goldman Sachs gsGirl OP Sep 11, 2021

I see thank you so much. this is helpful. do they also ask any tech questions related to frontend during the interview

CEO πŸ€‘ Sep 11, 2021

No the interviewer didn’t ask any other questions apart from the above coding question.

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Goldman Sachs gsGirl OP Sep 18, 2021

Hi, so they have asked me a ds algo question. But it was fairly easy. Its quite similar to this problem no 999(Available Captures for Rook). They expect you to solve and run the code. Once u run it if time permits they ll add few more modifications to it(consider that as a second problem)