Tech IndustryFeb 9, 2021

Square Payment Platform team

Hi there. Currently in the interview loop for Squareโ€™s payment platform team. Does anyone have any insights on the team? Culture, opportunities for growth, what work they do, etc? The position is for a backend SWE. YoE: 2 Current TC: 110k CAD ๐Ÿฅœ๐Ÿฅœ in low COL #Square

AXHe05 Feb 9, 2021

Integrate with 3P payment gateways and banks

Intuit jaic7h7b4g OP Feb 9, 2021

Hi thanks for the reply. Is it wrapping these third party apis and/or banks for consumption of other Square teams? Did you work there or work with them? If yes, did you get any signal on the culture?

AXHe05 Feb 9, 2021

I interviewed for the same role.

Square fjejsheidj Feb 10, 2021

Payment Platform is a large team with many subteams. They are responsible for everything from direct integrations with card networks to providing third party APIs for external developers to integrate with Square hardware and payments.

Intuit jaic7h7b4g OP Feb 10, 2021

That makes sense. Do you know if the team is any good? Good reputation, good culture etc

Intuit jaic7h7b4g OP Feb 10, 2021

Thanks all for input! This will help with my decision

Sony jkltvm Feb 16, 2021

Did you get the job?

Yelp B.Obama May 21, 2021

Is any part of bigger payment team based in Toronto?