Stack ranking and pip at amazon procedure?

Asking it for a couple of friends who are wondering and have read lots of articles and posts about these things at Amazon. Can anyone explain how stack ranking is done at amazon (amazon announced there is no stack ranking, that’s what you can find in google search)? When do they do it? (What months usually it is done) It does not make sense to do it anytime of the year since it is costly to constantly rank employees against each other? Under what level stack ranking is done? Is being at the bottom of the rank leads to being piped? TC: 155k YOE: 8

Google ABC-CEO Jan 31, 2022

At Amazon you're safe until you're not. Do not trust anything the manager says. You can get PIP anytime.

Northrop Grumman mm.nnaa OP Jan 31, 2022

Yes but how does it work? How do they rank people against each other? Lots of people at amazon stay or survived more than 2 or 3 years

Google ABC-CEO Jan 31, 2022

It's a numbers game, 6% get PIPed every year. You're doing great until the manager decides that you're bottom 12% and starts to manage you out. It's a pretty drawn out process.

Amazon happy19 Jan 31, 2022

Managers have a lot of power in Amazon; true everywhere, but a little more here.. don’t have to live in fear of pip.. if u think u don’t get along with your mgr; get out.. internal transfers are very easy in Amazon and too many teams always hiring!

Northrop Grumman mm.nnaa OP Jan 31, 2022

Thanks. I only need to know how stack ranking works. Is it ranking employees of the same level? Can director get piped? Is it under L8 or L10?

Amazon happy19 Feb 1, 2022

Pip quotas are enforced at teams of 50+ people and independent of level.