Side JobsFeb 20, 2021

Start a company

I have a few ideas and I am thinking to start my own company... I know if I can sit and prepare for months and do LC I can crack FAANG interviews instead, I want to devote that time and focus on building a product/company... I have many ideas but to get that to the market I need some investors, App developers, etc... How do I get started? TC 70k #startup #gig #entrepreneurship

Sempra Energy J Martin Feb 20, 2021

Best way to learn fast is to get a mentor or hire a coach that’s done what you want to do. You really should not count on getting investor money to make your business work, that rarely happens. Find a niche, solve a painful problem, and then start charging for the solution. People will definitely pay you money if your actually solving a specific painful problem. Once you start showing some traction you can think about getting investors, but usually that’s not necessary.

Seagate OP Feb 20, 2021

yea.. true.. I will look for a mentor.. Thanks for the suggestion!

Facebook yolosamba Feb 20, 2021

Umm, spending 1-2 months studying and getting into FAANG is about 100x easier than creating a company and making it successful... (Current cofounder of YC-backed startup)

Seagate OP Feb 20, 2021

Yea true.. I just want to try something new instead of being in the rat race. Ppl like you are my inspiration.. :)

hmmmmmx Feb 20, 2021

Or get that FAANG $$$ and invest in your own ideas!!! Like yolosamba did but hasn’t disclosed to you. It is HARD but it isn’t impossible. You know how everything enjoyable is arguably hard to master or do at a high level? It’s the same with business. If you have PASSION and the right PURPOSE for wanting to get into business for yourself and your family... then nothing, NO THING can ever stop you. ♥️

trik Feb 20, 2021

I work full time and i have 3 other ideas on execution with 3 different teams on the side in other countries. Building product on your ideas is fun. Go for it. It takes time so you would need $$ . Even if you don't succeed , you will learn a lot. No need to quit job , get MVP done offshore. Execution is the key.

Apple sxgS57 Feb 23, 2021

Any tips on outsourcing MVPs? What does it generally cost? And how do investors respond to outsource products?

tomhan Mar 1, 2021

Post your job requirements on upwork , you will get bids. Make sure you are clear of what you want your MVP to do. Speak to few companies and hire one you like. Its mostly around $10-15 per hour. Don't over architect , just built with the fact that if it works you will be able to invest in rewriting.

ThoughtSpot opikoya Mar 3, 2021

I had the same question and decided to go with building an app. It's a story to have and will last a lifetime. Believe me it's insanely difficult to build something meaningful and get users to use it. Huge respect for people who have ideas and actually execute them. Hmu if you want to chat and brainstorm or something.

Google kinja Mar 16, 2021

Pitch me your idea.

Nutanix PurpleMaze Jun 6, 2021

I am in the same boat :) while the high of starting your own company is uncomparable you also have to be practical for it to be successful. A lot of factors will determine your success. Ping me and we can figure it out