StartupsAug 15, 2019

Startup Acquisition pros/cons

What are the pros and cons in terms of rsu's when joining or not joining a startup which is about to get acquired by the big fish? Consider the individual's role is Customer facing Mgmt affiliated

Wayfair BScK77 Aug 15, 2019

What role are you in? If you're in finance, recruiting, etc. those roles are commonly eliminated in smaller acquisitions. Job role may change, startup life has a lot more freedom and less red tape. Big Co will likely have better pay and benefits. (I was an exec of an acquired startup and doubled TC overnight), and others got at least 20%.

VMware vmware/4.5 OP Aug 15, 2019

Good to know. I was asking more in context to say you just join a startup and then it gets acquired is there any immediate rsu benefit?

Wayfair BScK77 Aug 15, 2019

YMMV, but you'd probably be given a standard package for the new company, which would include RSUs if that's what they normally give to new hires.