Tech IndustryAug 22, 2018

Still feel like an impostor after 14 years in the business

Currently an SMTS at Salesforce. Been doing software engineering, mostly front end, for the past 14 years. I feel like I’m nowhere near where I should be skill-wise. Every project I’m on, I feel like I’m in over my head. How do I get out of this rut? I have serious fears that I won’t make it to retirement in this job.

Google m0vefa5t Aug 22, 2018

You've made it 14 years, you'll make it 14 more. If fear kept you going for 14 years it'll probably keep you going for 14 more.

McKinsey Moonface Aug 22, 2018

Dude welcome to the club. I’ve been feeling like a phony even though I was a top 1% performer at McKinsey and now a director at a tech firm. I always feel like I’ll get found out and fired. I also question what these companies see in me on a daily basis.

Salesforce GUyW45 OP Aug 22, 2018

I could never be a director, or even a manager. I don’t have the right skills for it, and I have really bad anxiety that would stand in my way. Don’t know how you guys do it.

ServiceNow aj16 Aug 22, 2018

Current tc? How is your growth so far

Google Ruthless Aug 22, 2018


Amazon RemyC Aug 22, 2018

Hang in there, you’re not the only one. I think it’s ok to feel like a phony if you’re still performing and others believe in you. What’s worse is not achieving what you can for fear of feeling like a phony. Basically, letting that fear hold you back. Also, therapy and beta blockers help with anxiety. I take a very low dose (10mg) a couple times a day, but they’re safe and not habit forming like benzodiazepine. Talk to your doc

Indeed WrinklMgee Aug 23, 2018

Don’t worry you’re probably no more shit than 90% of the rest of people