
Stop-limit sell orders on etrade - question

Hi Blind - quick question on stop-limit sell orders. Say, for example, I buy 50 shares of MSFT at $183 today. Then I put in a stop-limit sell order of my 50 MSFT shares at $172 to protect against a sudden crash. Is the sell order guaranteed to execute at $172? Just want to make sure it can't sell lower than $172 (for example if there's a drastic sudden crash). Thanks as always Blind. Hope you all are doing well.

gdufr48 May 7, 2020

It’s probably impossible to guarantee. Just imagine price in the evening is $174 and then next morning the best buying order is $169

beachguy67 OP May 7, 2020

Thanks appreciated.

General Dynamics BobTBuildr May 7, 2020

No even that. They can just get flooded with low sell and low buy orders that cause an instantaneous drop in price... i.e. flash crash.

SAP pXHI18 May 7, 2020

You described a stop order, not stop limit order which you have to enter 2 amounts. In your case it will sell at market price as soon as it drops below 172

beachguy67 OP May 7, 2020

Thanks very much. Sorry about that - it is described as "Stop on Quote" on etrade - my bad

SAP pXHI18 May 7, 2020

Yeah and there should be another option for stop-limit