Stripe Zoomer L4 Mar 13


Stripe RTO.BO Mar 13


Stripe byrong Mar 13

NO, there is no reason to

Verizon Media botley OP Mar 13

Why? Don’t the investors want to cash out at some point.

Microsoft TrickMe Mar 13

Just so that you know, JP Morgan processes $10 trillion in payments . . . every day.,170%20countries%20and%20120%20currencies.

Stripe acct_strp Mar 14

Do you even understand anything about payments tech? JPMC is a bank that processes a lot of transactions that are ACH’s that does not count towards end goods purchases. Comparing that stat with Stripe’s PV is the most ridiculous argument. Look at Visa’s PV for past few years. 2023 2023 their volume was 12.3 trillion. And Visa is more valuable that JPMC.

Microsoft TrickMe Mar 14

As per the page, it is their payment solution volume not the entire banking volume.