Tech IndustryJul 5, 2019

Stuck in Ag, trying to move to another industry

I’m looking for advice as to the best way to move out of the agricultural industry. I’ve been stuck here for several years, and I’ve found that recruiters lose interest when they realize the industry. I’ve been a data scientist for a couple years, and I do consulting work both in that field and as a mechanical engineer. I have an odd and wide skill set, but can’t seem to gain any traction with anyone. I’m always open to relocate. Any input would be welcome.

Indeed *NDEED Jul 5, 2019

Where are you trying to go? Fun fact: in our new building we have a floor with room names from agriculture industry job titles, like “organic farmer” and “soil scientist.”

SHWP00 OP Jul 5, 2019

I’m tired of anything Ag. I took an internship in college with the USDA because it would give me some useful experience and they would work with my schedule. After I graduated, I got an amazing offer (for my area) from an Ag tech startup. Since then, I’ve been stuck. I would love to just switch industries, I don’t really care which.

Indeed *NDEED Jul 5, 2019

Switching industries is hard since recruiters look for candidates who match the job as closely as possibly, including industry, company size, etc. I felt stuck in government, but managed to get a job in consulting for the federal government, doing HR consulting. Now I work in a company that’s HR-related, but tech. At the risk of stating the obvious, I’d recommend to target jobs that are as close to what you’re doing as possible, minus the agriculture. Also, consulting isn’t bad if you don’t know what you want to do.