
Super stressful - is it all in my head or some of it is real?

This can be a #personalfinance post too. I guess I’m really fortunate to have good NW and good income. I have 10 YOE, a NW of 7.5 MM and annual income of ~$550k. This is due to some wise financial and career decisions early in life, as well as a modest life style - no interest in lavish spending. So some may say that I have the F money. At least can easily walk away from a job if I don’t enjoy it. And yet it’s the opposite. I feel chained to work, attached, burnt out. I was laid off before and that was a blow to my ego. I tend to be very nervous, sensitive and careful about the work relationship. Being let go and having career gap to explain is a continual nightmare of mine. Without a career, I don’t know who I am and that’s a horror scene. Have tried therapists. They helped with symptoms but couldn’t cure the problem. I’m so jealous of my trust fund friends who have never worked a day in life and yet happy. (yes I have those friends). I’m jealous not because they are even better off but the fact they can be independently happy without a job. What’s wrong with my psychology? Can someone please help? #mentalhealth #burnout

Snap GgEh15 Apr 22

wtf did I read

Conviva ex 🍌 Apr 22

You read a first world problem

Intuit peace-gaza Apr 22

Get better therapists.

JaXE85 OP Apr 23

Any recommendations?

ex-Meta crusades Apr 22

You’re better off than most trust fund kids.

Intel DwzP36 Apr 22

How many YoE? You are killing it. What's the NW split?

JaXE85 OP Apr 23

10. Split between what?

Infosys DoiB70 Apr 22

Proud yourself and Simply do what you want like go with a girlfriend, with friends

Bloomberg bgzp10 Apr 22

You already know the answer. Your thinking is what is making you unhappy. You have a limited time on this planet, do you want to waste it worrying about things that don't matter? Does anyone else really care about your career gap? I don't think so. Why is it important to you?

JaXE85 OP Apr 23

I fear that I will never find another decent job and will suffer in isolation for life.

Bloomberg bgzp10 Apr 23

You will. Trust yourself. Dealing with isolation is also possible. You can pick up a new hobby, make friends while doing that. Suggestions: book club, hiking, scuba (if you live near dive sites), racket sports (I read somewhere that racket sports keep your mind sharp in old age)

Microsoft Minamato Apr 22

Weird flex post

Lacework gmRf5 Apr 23

People replying don’t understand that the reactions to circumstances are sometimes blown out of proportion. The roots are likely in your past (childhood, inherited traits). I suggest you continue to work with a therapist, likely for a few years. Do things that are good for you - exercise, eating well, until feeling good becomes more of your natural state. There’s no one simple answer that blind can give you. Money wise, run your NW through a few retirement calculators and this might calm you down ;)