
Sync Technical Reference Notes Between Personal and Work Computers

[EDIT: I left out TC: $475K (assuming stock value stays the same as at time of offer)] I am wondering about how people deal with the problem of sharing non-proprietary reference notes between work and home computers? I was using the Dropbox app to sync notes between work and home, but now that seems to be blocked by my company. What are other ways to allow me to keep changes in reference notes from personal versus work computers in sync? As I learn different languages, software packages, etc I accumulate various 'how to' notes. E.g 'here are 5 different frequent patterns of how to use unix awk.', here's some example code for doing 'case insensitive string search in this subdirectory using the unix find command', here's how to join two column in pandas python package. I learn these little patterns or knowledge nuggets from Stack Overflow, reading documentation, trial and error. Over the years, the notes have piled up and are essential of my day to day. Some of these notes are written on a personal computer on non-work hours, e.g. during independent study on weekends, or on non-business related, non-moneymaking side projects. Other times, they are written on the job during the work week, from a work computer. Thus, there is a high importance to keeping copies of these notes (which involve multiple files, e.g. one for unix reference, another for Spark, another for C, another for python, another for AWS, etc etc) automatically synced between personal and work computers. These notes have saved me countless hours of googling for that just-what-I-need special trick that I used, say 7 months ago. Over the years, these notes have accumulated from several jobs and many side study sessions / independent projects. This is absolutely non-propriety information - it's on the web ! My company should not care. With a small, rational company software engineers can do the nice safe thing and ask for permission. However, as companies get bigger and more litigious they are more and more likely to prohibit this kind of thing. The employee is thus forced to pursue the "foregiveness not permission" model of going underground with such sharing. Maybe I should consider syncing the notes over github. That way if the employer gets upset there is a clear audit trail. One can say look, are you really going to fire me because I have notes about some of the arcane arguments of grep? (On the other hand, maybe this too would be blocked the same way dropbox is?....Maybe Google Docs is the way to go -- haven't checked if that is blocked...Maybe I am just ignorant of the true nature of this blocking...Not something I want to ask my company SysAdmins about!!) Sure, many of you are probably unwilling to take such a risk. To me, I remain unconvinced if the risk is high. Companies have to have some trust in their employees, if one really wanted to steal proprietary information, there are many ways to work around tracking. Sharing innocuous notes over dropbox or git is not a rational way to cheat. In conclusion, my main question is, for the people who *do* share *non-proprietary* reference notes between work and persona, what are some good versus bad sharing techniques. #legal #proprietary #non-proprietary #incantations #scripts #stackoverflow #notes #recipes #sharing

Rally Health rh848 Aug 14, 2022

I use One Note. But syncing takes time. Another option is to save it on a flashdisk in plain text and switch between computers. I use KVM switch to switch drives with the press of a button.

Sharecare say_neep_1 OP Aug 14, 2022

Did not know about KVM, cool thanks! I just looked at two youtube videos to get a sense of what it is. Now I have a question....suppose I am on Computer 1, I copy something onto my pasteboard. Then I switch to Computer 2. Can I now paste to what is showing on Computer 2?

Rally Health rh848 Aug 14, 2022

As long as it's saved in a file, yes. For pasting you need to use soft KVM like Barrier. It's not as smooth as Hardware KVM.

Class wUdv2Pmq Aug 14, 2022

Dozens and Dozens of syncing solutions. RSync, Google Drive, OneDrive, GitHub Gists, iCloud, AWS S3 Bucket,

Bank of America mace613 Aug 15, 2022

I’m in this situation too, except that my notes are on my work machine and my company has most of the internet locked down. I’ve resigned to retyping what I can on a personal machine and leaving the rest behind when I leave. Call me crazy, but it’s not worth it to try and get around their controls. Lesson learned for next time.

Class wUdv2Pmq Aug 15, 2022

Take a picture with your personal phone and let Google Keep OCR?