
System Design Question for Oracle OCI

Hi, I have an interview scheduled for Oracle, recruiter said they will ask system design. Please recent Oracle interviewees help me with what to study. TC: Peanut #Oracle #Oracle Interviews

Oracle FEvC22 Mar 31

Hint: don’t put the app tier on premise & the database in the cloud.

T-Mobile useless_tm Apr 1

Any reason why you have such an opinion ? Help me sir , I do have an application on prem and I have redis cache on AWS , network latency is in 20-50ms as Amazon redis cloud has oci network linked to our on prem center. It's very fast as our API sla is 2 seconds , and none of our computations cross 500ms. We do have a database in cloud even that's fast but very less data movement , we have heavy redis cache usage and never saw performance issue just for redis cache which is on the cloud .

Amazon reinvolutn Apr 1

Wut? Amazon Redis has oci network? Since when

Oracle Mymw46 Apr 1

Interviewer here. Check out some online case studies. Youtube has some good ones including mock interviews on system design. Best luck!