Tech IndustryApr 20, 2017

Data Scientists: where's the real (easy) money?

You have a quantitative PhD from a top school, made good money selling ads, but now you want more... problem is you got soft working in tech and don't feel up to a Wall Street career anymore. Where to go from here? Should you believe the hedge fund recruiters? Do any startups actually make financial sense? Do you become a software engineer so you can hop jobs more easily? Do you jump on the machine learning train? Is there good money on the ad buying side? Can you sell your soul to Exxon or Monsanto or some foreign government? Don't care about the perks or the prestige, just want solid cash flow and a decent enough work week to enjoy it. Any success or horror stories from friends/acquaintances/enemies who ventured outside of tech data science in pursuit of a fatter paycheck?

Twitter tpo Apr 20, 2017

what is your goal in term of numbers

Amazon Valon Apr 20, 2017

Try Renaissance Technologies

LinkedIn Beep Boop Apr 20, 2017

They contact you. You don't contact them.

Uber Bobble Apr 21, 2017

Not true. I applied and got an offer.

Symantec ()$c5;)7 Apr 20, 2017

We have amazing project for ML on Cybersecurity data. Really cool stuff with direct government/economy implications. Just recently hired some Google deep mind guys.

Microsoft πŸ˜±πŸ‘πŸ˜±πŸ˜›12 Apr 20, 2017

Google doesn't have easy money?

Facebook πŸ‚πŸ…πŸ†-- Apr 20, 2017

hedge fund / Wall Street for the big bucks. friend when 24 pulled in 400-500k (200k base, good year with 300k bonus). depending on work/results, bonus can be up to couple million. they're not shy advertising comp to candidates. not easy money though. unless you're writing trading algorithms, long and stressful hours. why IB usually burn out in few years. but you hit the highs on bonuses in 2 years you can retire.

Pinterest meaning Apr 21, 2017

what year was your friend 24? is it before crash or after?

Facebook πŸ‚πŸ…πŸ†-- Apr 21, 2017

after. year he made that was 2014. so middle of the upswing