Tech IndustryAug 8, 2018

TC for Software Engineer at Tableau

Title says it all. Google results seem to vary. What TC should I expect/negotiate?

Twitter Yyg8z Aug 8, 2018

What position? Do you have other offers?

Conversica WjTJ12 OP Aug 8, 2018

Not offer, a friend is giving me a recommendation. I wouldn't get the senior title I don't believe. Don't they just do software engineer and senior software engineer or do they have more granular levels?

Tableau dontbribe Aug 9, 2018

We don't have more granular levels than that. We do offer compensation based on experience and how much we want to land you. from my experience you are going to get a lot more stock in your offer than I see elsewhere. The pay is okay. But those stock grants are pretty huge.

Tableau onezeroone Aug 9, 2018

Apply! It's a great company. If it's a good fit, I'd hope they can meet your TC needs. They did for me.

Tableau THgh23 Aug 13, 2018

Neat! What’s your role title and TC break down?

Tableau onezeroone Aug 13, 2018

I'm afraid I'm not willing to share that information. What I will tell you is that I'm not a pushover and I felt I got what I wanted. So if you are curious, try, and I doubt you will feel you have wasted your time.

Tableau 🏳️‍🌈 Aug 9, 2018

Average salary, tons of stock, totaling well above average compensation. I believe every engineer is over $200k, Senior closer to $300k. The only bad thing I’ll say is new hires are getting much more than many veterans earn now. It’s not fair. But great to join now.

Tableau Hanrahan Aug 9, 2018

Right, as other Tabloids said, close to Senior comp would probably look like that: - around 130-135 base - around 4,000 RSUs....that's worth 410k as of now. - 10% annual bonus. So, after a year (with your first stock vest), your TC would be around 240k. And then grow pretty quickly from there given the generous annual stock grants that will just add to that amount.

Tableau MOVSD Aug 10, 2018

The salary ranges are very wide. Senior can be anywhere from ~130k to just under 200k. Normal engineer is 110 to 150 or so. Initial stock grant is 3000-5000, and depends on level and salary. Vests over 4 years. Annual refreshes are in the $40-$80k range and start vesting immediately. If all you care about is TC, there are better companies to work for. But if you care more about culture and doing interesting things for crazily engaged customers, then you’ll fit right in.

Tableau Pete@Nerv Aug 13, 2018

TC is all over the place, also when you join has a lot to do with comp. If the stock value stays this high I don’t expect 5000 RSUs to stay. Expect a low salary high RSU offer that makes TC above average for the Seattle area. (Microsoft is a fairly good comparison). We’ve had some stock volatility in the past so all I can say is hold on! If you can swing salary high enough you don’t have to dip into your RSUs to pay the bills you’ll be fine.

Tableau Hanrahan Aug 13, 2018

It's typically a bad advice to hold on your RSUs. You need to sell all of them as they vest and diversify. Also, as far as I know the 5,000 RSU hiring package has been there forever - irrespective of the actual stock price. Of course that could always change but I doubt it will in the foreseeable future.

Tableau Pete@Nerv Aug 14, 2018

It has been around along time (ipo) but it’s been uncommon for about 6 months worth of my time here during the “we can’t possibly fail era” when it seems 3,000 was common for new hires during that six month chunk. I suspect at some point if it continues to climb that will happen again. (Edit) I didn’t mean to imply you should sell or hold your RSUs more that you hopefully won’t have to. I’ve always been forced to sell some to make up the difference in salary.