TIL: Being an activist at work can still get you arrested

Thanks, Sundar and Google ๐Ÿ™ Five Google workers arrested for protest and refusal to leave building at Sunnyvale HQ ๐Ÿ”— https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/google-protest-arrest-sunnyvale-tech-gaza-19408271.php #TIL #google #protest

381 Participants
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Google googballs Apr 17

You should have all of the above option dude

Apple d[o_o]b OP Apr 17

Sorry that you have to put up with or see that onsite

Meta h bukka Apr 17

Some thought that saddam was an activist too.

Apple d[o_o]b OP Apr 17


Stripe prowskibar Apr 19

Hamas are activists too. May be Apple should hire Hamas and fire OP for doing such incompetent activism .

eHealth spitfire! Apr 17

A company should be free of politics. Employees should keep their political views in their private lives.

Meta ThatSucks Apr 18

Maybe companies shouldn't be allowed to get government contracts? That should simplify things

Atlassian UFHr61 Apr 18

Companies should keep their political views in their private lives. Corporations are people.

Meta freawpzcxs Apr 17

Paywall Btw, who thinks this is a good idea?

Loweโ€™s smd2001 Apr 17

You are only allowed to protest against straight white people. They crossed the line when they went after our rulers in israel.

Amazon hue? Apr 18

You are paid to work, buddy. Why normalize this kind of behavior?

Oracle Benj_Const Apr 18

They were not arrested for protesting, as much as the lefty media want it.

Apple d[o_o]b OP Apr 18

I believe they were let go / fired as well

SMUD Larssss Apr 18

I read 28 were fired. On the bright side, 28 positions just opened up

Apple d[o_o]b OP Apr 18

Stupidity creates opportunity

Google YourPal4u Apr 18

Not enough moment to be relevant for layoffs or job hirings. Will be backfilled by internal applicants.

Zoodfood Curry221 Apr 18

Google will be sued

Google L0o0L Apr 18

You dumb if you learnt this today.