
TPM interview at Amazon

Hi , I have a senior TPM interview with amazon Alexa team. What kind of questions should I be expecting in the interview? Thanks

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Google topCon Jul 17, 2019

Tell me about a time you used cheapness to achieve your goals

Amazon cNF26 Jul 17, 2019

But it'll be rephrased as "were frugal"

Amazon @>_ Jul 17, 2019

Have you ever completed a project with 10% of the budget, payable solely in bananas?

Amazon 🍉@ Jul 17, 2019

How would you go to SFO for a week and stay with your friend or two and save hotel money 💰?

Amazon va35🤯🦄🤤 Jul 17, 2019

Tell me about a time that you didn’t know what you were talking about, so you reported an engineer to HR for having bad communication skills to cover your ass.

Amazon 🍉@ Jul 17, 2019

Or speaking over you even though you were on mute 🤐!!

Microsoft PP🌶 Oct 2, 2019

I did this!

Amazon UniCRONJob Jul 17, 2019

Tell me about a time when you displayed ownership of a product that you secretly didn't give a shit about and that would never give you the satisfaction or monetary gains that the CEO would otherwise mostly experience. How did you torture your engineers?

Amazon JohnnyUta Jul 17, 2019

Lol at these responses 😂. Seriously though, memorize or familiarize yourself with the leadership principles. Have 3 solid past experiences you can reference in great detail. When asked a question, dig into your examples and find a way to plug a leadership principle. Focus on that and not trying to figure out specific questions and you’ll be good.

Amazon YupYupYupY Jul 17, 2019

And answer using STAR method.

Amazon TTAWSSSD Jul 17, 2019


Amazon Spheres@19 Jul 17, 2019

Do whatever you want, P.L.E.A.S.E do not become a SDM after joining as a TPM. There's tons like that at Amazon, and they cause nothing but damage to the team.

Amazon ‘desi Jul 17, 2019

I headed that many times. What do TPMs do that causes damage ? I’m SDM but curious

Amazon Spheres@19 Jul 17, 2019

I have heard (and experienced first hand) the following things: 1. Lack of technical contribution or guidance to the team 2. Not connected to the grass roots level 3. Running a team of highly qualified SDEs as a "project" or a "program" 4. Most of all, due to lack of technical depth, unable to recognize their top talent and provide recognition for their work

Amazon Dhlf30 Jul 17, 2019

Tell me about a time where you had to stab a coworker in the back because they wouldn’t turn around and let you stab them in the front

Amazon 🍉@ Jul 17, 2019

That is perfect 👌🏽 ☝️☝️☝️☝️

Zulily AVXF18 Jul 17, 2019

OP please connect with me ; I am an expert with amazon TPM interviews. I have placed many TPM in FB . GOOG and AMZN you name it. DM me for more details or just schedule a 30 min on

Amazon yacht 🛥 Jul 17, 2019

How is Zulily?

Amazon Spheres@19 Jul 17, 2019

Try to be a douche - higher the level of douchery and scumbaggery, higher the chances of being hired as a TPM. Make sure to tell the interviewers that SDEs are just "heads" that work for a TPM to meet their deadlines. Bonus points for mentioning SDEs are replaceable in blink of eye.

Amazon 🍉@ Jul 17, 2019

Talk about how excited your are to put SDE in in pip and dev list. If you can meet your URA targets - you should be golden

Amazon Zzzamznbye Jul 18, 2019

This happened to me.