TV commercials for Uber Eats

Recently Uber launched some TV commercials or video ads. * How much do you think it cost? (idea, filming, ad space) * Do famous actors charge less when they get older? * Did Uber pay to licence the Star Wars or Star Trek brands or are they cheating? (implied brand association) * Does it annoy you when company cuts people/costs and then spends big? * Why advertise a terrible product versus improve the product?

mNmF34 OP Oct 5, 2020

News article: or watch on YouTube.

Roku doIores Oct 5, 2020

You pay money and then you get food? What else do you want in the product?

Google ABC-CEO Oct 5, 2020

Marketing folks have to spend their budget.

Uber Yeetzy Oct 5, 2020

These ads have been running in Australia for ages and with great success. Getting famous faces to back your product is a tried and true marketing play

PayPal leafsheep Oct 5, 2020

People can always find things to complain about

Uber [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅🥶)̲̅$̲̅] Oct 5, 2020

Who says you can't improve on all fronts?