I had rejected mapbox offer an year ago. The recruiter reached out to me again. How is the company doing now? TC: 210


Uber ( ๏ 人 ๏ ) Nov 20, 2023

Is that 210k number Mapbox offer? Which level was that?

Zscaler edes14 OP Nov 21, 2023

Yes, mapbox offer. Senior

Intuit 93%er Nov 27, 2023

Which location is this?

Mapbox mika19k Dec 16, 2023

210k Good offer, for Mapbox it is top of the band for what Mapbox call staff. Business is ok, SoftBank threw more money into the furnace, so show will go on for couple years.

Intuit 93%er Dec 16, 2023

Why are you not optimistic? Any specific reason? I just joined and I’m curious to learn the dark side.

Mapbox mika19k Dec 17, 2023

I am optimistic, just not overly optimistic. The path to success is a narrow one and rely on the gamble that none of competitors will wake up and start treating B2B mid market seriously. Mapbox exists in the seam of Google/HERE/TomTom neglect.