Work VisaFeb 4, 2019

Taking sick leaves instead of PTOs while awaiting visa stamp?

Since we cannot work from home while waiting to get h1 visa stamped, is it okay to take sick leaves instead of paid leaves to avoid spending all my holidays. Context: (Already on the brink of finishing them and want to avoid unpaid leave) Ps: Difficult question to ask lawyers obviously...

Zillow Group anKW36 Feb 4, 2019

Why can’t you work from home? I have been told by previous lawyers that it is fine because you are not working inside the US, but in your home country at that time.

Facebook wolverine2 OP Feb 4, 2019

My lawyers told me the opposite. Not to work from home while waiting on stamping. What is everyone else being told about this scenario

Google Bluths Feb 4, 2019

I am not a lawyer but it sounds very weird that you can’t work from home since you are not physically present in the United States.

Docker bzvaf Feb 4, 2019

the company needs to pay you as a foreign contractor instead of a US employee. Immigration-wise it's fine though

Google Urs Feb 4, 2019

Work from home. I have a PM on my team that worked for 2 weeks from India.