Tech IndustryJul 15, 2021

Tech recruiters - why do you all suck at your job ?

I mean, it has to be one of the easiest job in the world. I bet every job at Google has thousands of applicants. You literally need to select the top few from peer companies and pass it to the hiring managers. How difficult can this be ? Yet, you are so bad. You ghost candidates constantly. You never respond to LinkedIn messages. You never provide feedback to rejected candidates. You treat candidates who spent hours preparing and hours doing onsite interviews like shit. Often a candidate who spends 8 hrs on-site receives a generic rejection email. At least fucking pretend to have sympathy. I have now started to give all recruiters the same treatment. I don’t ever respond to recruiters who cold email me. I get a little pleasure when they send multiple reminders and I don’t reply. Often I would respond to the first email feigning interest and then ghost them later. You guys all suck. Try better and do 1% of your job by supporting candidates

Amazon rustacean Jul 15, 2021

Lol an Apple recruiter scheduled a call with me for this morning. He never called 😂

Amazon ripconfig Jul 15, 2021

That's what Steve Jobs wanted Apple to be.

SAP FAANG-PM OP Jul 15, 2021

Wish we could name and shame these people. They have these gatekeeper ego for highly coveted positions and think they are the shit

Nationwide Insurance ope-oof Jul 15, 2021

👏👏👏 It really is insane, and happening more and more. A StockX recruiter reached out to me, asked me to provide availability, I said sure why not… guess what, it was like he never existed lol follow up email lands in the twilight zone lol

Walmart Nickchange Jul 15, 2021

Simple reason. Usually people need to find some reason or motivation to do their job. Either passion or money. Most people pick a profession they are passionate and good at and study for years to improve their skills. Now tell me, if you ask a person what they want to become when they grow up, which kid in their right mind would say, I want to help people get jobs. None. It's not an ambition or a self goal. It's not a skill or a field. It's a stop gap. People who studied sonething, then suck at it so bad, they leave that field, and take up a job thst takes least amount of effort to do and is basic conversation and setting up stuff which can be organized and automated after a few months due to repetitions. Every recruiter acts like it's their first time handling a candidate. They don't even have proper email templates ready for situations. They sucked at everything else and now they suck at this too. All suffering happens due to individual incompetence somewhere down the line and in most companies, it's them. They are the gatekeepers of incompetence as well. So if they are incompetent, they get more incompetent people in. There are so many cool free tools for productivity and organization etc. Just fucking get your shit together already

Nationwide Insurance ope-oof Jul 15, 2021

Jeez this is deep, I kind of feel a little ashamed for them after reading this lol you know how to hit nerves man haha

Google gg ♟️ Jul 15, 2021

Damn. Who hurt you?

Dropbox f3;7aa Jul 15, 2021

Maybe they smelled your desperate vibes. Like when recruiter ghost me I literally don’t care nor take it personally. People get busy. Also it’s all about timing. Next.

SAP FAANG-PM OP Jul 15, 2021

Lol, I haven’t hunted for a job in 4 yrs. You are the incompetent recruiter aren’t you ?

Dropbox f3;7aa Jul 15, 2021

Yeah sure whatever you wanna believe

Cisco mexicoman Jul 15, 2021

Happened to me with Gametime I was SO excited to interview with them. Got the intro call, was told i’d speak with an engineer, and rip. 3 follow up emails and not even the courtesy to say that there was a change of plans or SOMETHING. But got just plain silence….

Google d-ll-b Jul 15, 2021

I feel bad sometimes for never replying to recruiters. But I don’t have the heart to say I’m not interested in the job.

SAP FAANG-PM OP Jul 15, 2021

Ghosting them is the right response. May be show interest one time and then ghost

Walmart Nickchange Jul 15, 2021

I check once a week and send my default response to all of them. I get bored sometimes and it helps me label all these emails under job networking and keep my inbox clutter free

Microsoft NYNH Jul 15, 2021

This is mostly offshore Indian recruiters and who spam the heck with irrelevant jobs and shit pay at that but they want EVERYTHING and then some on the job requirements

Amazon AIPe67 Jul 16, 2021

Don't use this as an excuse to blame Indians. This is most all recruiters everywhere.

Microsoft NYNH Jul 16, 2021

Primarily Indians. Fact

Intel FAANGS Jul 16, 2021

Recruiters in tech are getting the same treatment they give us. 90% are incompetent and/or rude with the exception being the ones from Google and Facebook from what I've seen.

AlwaysRock Jul 16, 2021

I used to be a recruiter. Engineer now. Recruiting is a shitty job. Most recruiters start in entry level sales positions. You are taught its a numbers game. At large companies its a numbers game. Yeah you have tons of incoming applications but the majority of those are not good. Have you ever seen the candidates that apply for your roles at your company? Half of them are not even engineers. Its a grindy sales job that a lot of not all that bright people end up in. Is it easy? No. Could most recruiters do a hell of a lot better? Yes. The biggest issue is the the recruiters job isnt to have sympathy or give you closure or feedback. Their job is to fill roles. So if you are not a fit yeah ideally they would like to call and give you feedback or let you know. But most likely they have 5 people who are a good fit that they have to move through the pipeline and you will go from being a todo to a to dont after a few days. I hate recruiters more than anyone but it's not an easy job. If internal recruiters were held to other metrics and actually were taught technical skills it would be a much better job. Unfortunately, most of the people leading recruiting departments are just recruiters who were good at sales and got promoted so the departments are a shit show too. New policies all the time. Stupid metrics. But I hear you. Recruiters suck.

Indeed NE16507 Jul 20, 2021

Oh how I would love for the person who posted this spend a week recruiting.