Misc.Jun 3, 2019

Tech stack of cloud / web services in MS?

What is the technology stack normally used in Microsoft for cloud/web products like Mobile App Services? I am interested in both backend and fronted stack.

Microsoft not-a-dev Jun 3, 2019

Extremely variable depending on the product. App Services (and it’s not a secret, externally) runs on top of Cloud Services. It’s written in C#.

Google OJVQ36 OP Jun 3, 2019

Thank you for your answer. Do you know what is used for the Frontend? Angular/react/something else..

Microsoft not-a-dev Jun 3, 2019

I don’t

Chevron kuulcoder Jun 3, 2019

If you’re talking about what is readily available for most Azure services? It’s an ugly stack but I’ll tell you the most common: Angular front end, .NET backend, Azure SQL database. Deploy it on an app service, using an app service plan after you’ve provisioned your resource groups. Set up authentication using Azure AD and register your app there. Use Azure functions for quick code runs if you’re not building a web app. I personally like React Front end, NodeJS, Express and MongoDB API using cosmosDB again deployed on app service. Happy Azuring!