PoliticsJul 16, 2018
Kitty HawkDIwN46

The Insecure Boss

My boss targeted me from day 1 because he was fearful that I’d take his job. One year later he let me go because “I wasn’t a good fit.” Reality is that I was way too good of a fit, and he couldn’t fathom that in his years there he couldn’t gain trust the way I did. My question is, how do such terrible bosses keep their jobs? Why aren’t we starting a movements to remove terrible managers from their positions?

Amazon gKoV81 Jul 16, 2018

Well I can think of two possible reasons but they are more: 1. You were not as good as a fit as you think 2. They know how to talk to the people above them to give the illusion they are good at their job

Facebook Gotvsicw Jul 17, 2018

If your response is to vent on Blind and not do any introspective then I think all lot of these types of post fall into 1. If you can’t play the politics of your immediate manager then you’re a long way from being able to manage cross team and cross department politics where you have conflicting priorities.

Broadcom Ltd. Tockhan Jul 16, 2018

You need more than self to convince you are better than boss.

Grammarly ZappaFrank Jul 16, 2018

Here's my take on it. You can't outwit your boss. You can't sideline your boss. Even trying to do so is tantamount to professional suicide. One way to get ahead is to make your boss look good in front of his boss. And I'm not talking of brown nosing or something like that. I'm talking of helping your boss commit to more and better work and then helping him/her achieve that goal. Only with your boss's rise can you rise. You can try to play the political game and try to backstab him/her but you'll probably fail. Try to think about how you can help your boss succeed and you'll succeed with them.

dudelil Jul 16, 2018

Well said.

Intuit Ipipipipi Jul 16, 2018

Mmm I have seen completely opposite. Our team lead made our boss go. But that is because our boss’s boss trust our tech lead more.

Facebook Gotvsicw Jul 17, 2018

Well you just said it. It was his boss, not his report.

Intuit Ipipipipi Jul 17, 2018

I know. That is why I am telling what is behind the scene

Google IndMgr Jul 16, 2018

I have an Indian female manager like that. I guess it's time to brush up my resume.

Microsoft Safeway Jul 16, 2018

Indian female bosses are usually all like that

Proofpoint My T Jul 17, 2018

Working under female is horrible . I had really bad experience 2 times.

Microsoft Safeway Jul 16, 2018

You are the kind of people any manager would be sacred of - I hear only your side of the story and it’s clear you are useless

OpenDoor Erfdvjursx Jul 16, 2018

Eh, easy to say but I've been in that situation. My boss at my last company was "competing" with me for the position before he got a promotion. In reality, he had 10+ yoe on my and had held the title elsewhere so it wasn't much of a comparison, but I think he always held a grudge since he thought he almost lost the competition. He made my life hell, threw me under the bus continually, and I left the company a year later. It happens...

Broadcom Ltd. Tockhan Jul 17, 2018

Gender doesn’t matter here. Whenever your boss competes with you then it’s a lost battle unless their boss is practical and it’s rare.

Capital One Cheeter Jul 21, 2018

Boss targeted you from day 1 huh? Why did they hire you in the first place then? Something sounds amiss. Could be you.