Tech IndustryJan 22, 2022

The Trade Desk Compensation [New Grad]

What does The Trade Desk's compensation for a new grad software engineer look like? Please mention stocks and bonuses separately if possible. Thank you! YOE: 0 TC: πŸ₯œ (student) #tech #thetradedesk #tc #compensation #offer

The Trade Desk oshk47 Jan 25, 2022

OP, congrats on the offer and hope you join TTD! I wouldnt expect FAANG numbers. Something around 105k base, 65-70k stocks most possibly. Based on my experience, negotiate hard on joining bonus. We dont have annual bonus here, so if you have other offers, keep that in mind. Other than that, it is a good time to join the company and the engineering culture is pretty cool here.

sFGb32 OP Jan 25, 2022

Thank you for your comment! I'm an incoming intern and was wondering what the full time offer might look like. Is the 65-70k in stocks over 4 years? No annual bonuses kinda suck, right?

The Trade Desk oshk47 Feb 3, 2022

OP - yeah, the stocks would be over 4 years with 25% vesting each year. And yeah, the no annual bonus thing sucks big time.

The Trade Desk oshk47 Feb 3, 2022

I am not really sure about DS2 but IMO that is a pretty decent offer considering how much TTD lowballs. First year TC of 330k is one of the higher ones I have seen at TTD.

sFGb32 OP Feb 3, 2022

Thank you for your comment. What's DS2?