Misc.May 15, 2018

The next recession

When do you think it will be? What will be the consequences for the tech community? Who will struggle and who will survive?

228 Participants
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FJOf88 May 16, 2018

who will struggle? and who will survive tho?

Netflix Budmound May 16, 2018

Every time I think it’s right around the corner, tech posts record earnings and on it goes.

Oscar dumb|dumb May 16, 2018

Usually recession has to do with real estates, not enough cash flow in the market. Tech bubble burst, I think you are looking to avoid. There is also a recession caused by some major players going after currency exchange rate which happened around 1997 and led to a crisis in Asia.

Amazon RCMMT May 16, 2018

What recessions besides 2008 were caused by real estate?

Oscar dumb|dumb May 16, 2018

The sooner the better... am I too evil?

Amazon baldape OP May 16, 2018
