Things that dont really scale

Hi folks, Can you describe some features (without disclosing anything you shouldn’t) from your company out there which feel like they handle customer traffic well but in reality they dont?

Microsoft 20% raise Oct 7, 2017

Single threaded database that runs on a single machine. We make it work by upgrading the machine and hiding the transaction times.

Expedia icare OP Oct 7, 2017

Like whenever things crash or stall, deploy it to a different machine?

Microsoft 20% raise Oct 7, 2017

No just a bigger machine. Vertical scaling. It doesn't work very well.

Oracle Jhui Oct 7, 2017

Not about scalability property but still relevant to distributed systems/false advertisement : At Microsoft, part of the code we wrote in azure storage and bus (and still in production) uses to guarantee ordering (we had no clue what logical clock was haha).

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Expedia icare OP Oct 7, 2017

This is a serious post. Kindly avoid trolling

Benefitfocus xNSV78 Oct 8, 2017

Any large company is going to have some horror show spaghetti business going on somewhere in the background.