This engineer in my team told everyone he's on Focus

There's an SDE on our team who recently told everyone he's on Focus. He tagged the manager, the SDE3, and another SDE, complaining that they weren't responding to his emails. He set up a design review and asked everyone to join, mentioning it was his last task on Focus. His design document had some sarcasm, which makes sense since I've seen him get targeted and cornered in past reviews. During the review, he got into a big argument with the SDE3, who told him to "be civil" and "not play the blame game." It’s sad because he’s a friendly and smart guy and from one of the top colleges in my country. There is a rumour that some of the team mates wrote a one pager document and presented to the manager on why he's no fit to be at his level. Bunch of 🐍🐍 honestly. The team culture has really gone downhill, with many people choosing to leave. I’m planning to leave soon too. I'm not sure why he told everyone he was on Focus—it seemed like he shot himself in the foot. What's worse is he came to Amazon from a faangmula+ company which is known for having much better WLB, just for a higher level. When I joined, the team culture wasn’t this bad, but things have changed a lot. I’m just glad to be leaving soon. Anyway, rant over.

ex-Oracle giveme💲💵 May 16

Why was he cornered and targeted ? Any particular reason ?

DocuSign xHCF25 May 16

Hunger games... colleagues know there's a URA quota, so if they don't make the managers task obvious the axe could land on them.

Amazon floralbouq May 16

This ^

Amazon vflwr89 May 16

If everybody's choosing to leave, then Leadership is the problem, not some lowly engineer.

Palo Alto Networks djduwhb May 16

Lmao amazon is only a choice for desperate people

MRM TWG_202023 May 16

This is what toxicity and stack ranking does to people. You and your friend deserve to work at a better company that doesn’t pull this type of nonsense. TC: 105K

PayPal _PayPal_ May 16

Amazon seems like such a horrible place to work. Idk why people go there after reading this crap on blind.

Amazon Pip$ May 16

Hmm blind is a toxic echo chamber. I have been at Amazon 5 years so far... nothing short of a blast and have made positive impact on multiple people's careers while making bank myself. So idk... feed into the toxicity or go through the interview, get in, and see for yourself

PayPal _PayPal_ May 16

Your name is “Pip$”. I’m sure you’d thrive there.

Pinterest Chivu007 May 16

But still Amazon is the best working place on LinkedIn. 🤷‍♀️

Amazon Pip$ May 16

Pinterest ... we like you... stay out of this :) and I pray Amazon buys you!!!

Pure Storage purefect May 16

Congratulations on you leaving Amazon soon. Also TC or GTFO

Amazon papasmurph May 17

I think it's your own story. And I think I know you. Anyways whatever helps you sleep at night.

Databricks Oreo82 May 17

I'm curious where are you going?

Enfabrica qxyI44 May 17

Honestly I wish more people did this (loudly announce they are in Focus). The manager already told all his favorites anyway, and the skip's also aware. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and the less secrecy these snakes have the less power they'll have.