Capital OneDaddyRichF

To the hiring managers out there: which resume is more appealing to you:

A modest resume that is truthful. A glorified resume where the person is lying. Edit: I should add, you don't necessarily know if the person is lying. You're banking on your ability to sniff it out

42 Participants
Select only one answer
Amazon LiquidMeta Mar 27


Capital One DaddyRichF OP Mar 27


Capital One OThS28 Mar 27

Amazon of all people over here acting as if they don't know what this means

Salesforce UFpV81 Mar 27

Think about what you asked for a second and get back to us…

Capital One DaddyRichF OP Mar 27

The poll is split pretty evenly so I don't think it was a bad question

Netflix Skip Intro Mar 27

What a ridiculous poll.

Capital One DaddyRichF OP Mar 27

Apparently not it's pretty evenly split lol

Netflix Skip Intro Mar 27

Is the success of a poll determined by how even the results are? 🤔

Capital One OThS28 Mar 27

Fake it till you make it

Walt Disney A.Bushnell Mar 27

If you don't put any effort into it why would you expect anyone else to?

Apple TYXX53 Mar 27

If I see a resume with two paragraphs of technologies listed from WebObjects to GoLang and you claim to be an expert in all of them it goes directly into the trash. If your resume has meaningful sections about what you’ve actually done in your past jobs then it shows you can get things done and actually communicate that work well. (Assuming the candidate can answer detailed questions about these things in the loop.)

Amazon LiquidMeta Mar 28

what is webobjects ?