Tech IndustrySep 15, 2018

Tougher interviews

Rate the average interview difficulty to get into swe2/swe3 roles among the following companies: Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, Uber, Netflix, Microsoft (Ex: f>g>....) Would also be great if you can rate the weightage on resume for these companies ! Edit: replaced prestige with weightage coz it's apparently a trigger word for some :)

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Splunk Trim Sep 15, 2018

You are an Indian? This stupid prestige shit is more related to the work you do rather than the company you work for.

๐Ÿ’ฉexpert Sep 15, 2018

Casual racism is strong in this one.

Splunk Trim Sep 15, 2018

Wtf - it is not racism if I am an Indian. This stupid shit gets to my nerve - it makes the people from an entire country sound stupid.

Aurora life-rolls Sep 15, 2018

Donโ€™t lay all the credit on splunk! I think the question itself can bring such depths out of many!

Oracle helloorcl Sep 15, 2018

Blind please add a dislike button - "prestige". Get your priorities right !