Trading firms possible with lower GPA?

Hi, I was potentially interested getting ready for interviews soon and I wanted to mostly target startups and trading firms this time. I've historically had a harder time getting interviews in trading due to a lower GPA (2.9) and conversations ended at the recruiter stage in the past because of that. I was nearing 5 YOE and I was wondering if the GPA requirement gets more lenient as the YOE goes up. I think everything else on paper seems good - top school - FAANG experience on impactful teams working in C++ - large impact projects I was wondering if the GPA requirement becomes less important later on. #js #hrt #citadel

Amazon iVEV46 Mar 28

They really ask GPA after 5 years? What a joke lmao

Meta impacc2 Mar 28

They ask for it always. I got contacted by a recruiter for one well known HFT shop recently and they wanted to know my GPA. I'm IC7 and got my PhD almost 10 years ago so you'd think there are other questions to ask...

Amazon aqfZ7o Mar 28

After your first job, GPA is irrelevant and shouldn't even be listed on your resume

Google TM192H Mar 28

Recruiters will still ask

Amazon aqfZ7o Mar 28

I never heard of recruiters asking after first job. By your second they won't ask for sure

Uber decentone Mar 28

After 3.5 years of exp citadel still wanted to know my GPA. I passed their coding screen and I’m positive the rejection was due to lower GPA. Everything else on paper was great and they only rejected me after the coding screen when they found out my GPA

Nordstrom rnhf Mar 28

What's your gpa, if you don't mind.

Uber decentone Mar 28

I was trying to go for engineer at citadel