
Transition to Cloud

Hi,I am a systems analyst working on IBM DB2.I am looking forward to switch to Cloud(Azure). Could anyone guide me how can I transition and what roadmap should I take. Thanks #ibm #cloud #azure

IBM oddblockV2 Aug 4, 2020

DB2 migration to Azure is a bit of a blind spot in the Microsoft portfolio. Could be an interesting niche for you to explore and build some eminence in. There’s a few Medium posts but no real investment in that area.

TD userarora OP Aug 4, 2020

So which cloud technology should I explore..GCP or AWS, with respect to Db2 migration?

IBM oddblockV2 Aug 4, 2020

AWS has a marketplace image for DB2. I see nothing for GCP other than some articles. I think there’s more interesting potential if you focus on the platforms where there’s a gap and carve out your eminence in knowing how to do this. You could even look into building tools commercially.

Teradata herdcats Aug 5, 2020