Trump, intends to special forces to assassinate kingpins in Mexico drug cartels

According to three separate sources close to Donald Trump, he intends to send covert squads of special forces soldiers to assassinate drug kingpins in Mexico should he be elected in November. I predict Democrats will fight tooth and nail to stop him.

Microsoft belowDeck May 9

It’s an idiotic idea and wouldn’t work. If this is true it won’t matter as you kill one leader another will just step into their place.

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

Indeed. It’s a movie plot

Microsoft QrcK52 OP May 9

You’re right. We should continue let the drug cartels keep trafficking drugs and people. 🙄🙄 Trump wanted to go to war with them. Democrats didn’t.

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

Gee kill all the drug cartel bosses. Such an easy idea. I wonder why no one has ever thought of that

Capital One nHGf07 May 9

Why shouldn't the U.S. just annex Mexico, if Mexico can't get control of its own country leading to crime invading the U.S.?

Deliveroo qwewe May 9

so they all become american citizens? brilliant plan

Capital One nHGf07 May 9

We get Mexico, Mexicans become Americans, we can fix their country so they don't need to flee. Everyone wins. It's getting to the point where not having a unified global country is just causing issues to the future of humanity tbh. We should be on Mars by now.

Apple la7ve0 May 9

So according to OP it’s ok for governments to operate kill missions on foreign soil of sovereign nations? Pakistan was pretty pissed when they did it for osama.

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

I mean even if it did work. We’d get one cartel boss maybe by the element of surprise. The rest will be alerted and take precautions and then every special forces raid becomes a suicide mission. As for special forces specially trained- see Los Zetas. Well how hard could it be? See the Battle of Culiacán

Goldman Sachs Lc76Gv May 9

Just like he intended to have Mexico pay for a border wall?

Microsoft QrcK52 OP May 9

Unfortunately, Democrats fought tooth and nail against him. Makes you wonder what side the Democrats are on.

Goldman Sachs Lc76Gv May 9

Democrats fought against Mexico giving us billions of dollars? That’s a new one.

yeBL53 May 9

The only way to stop this is to legalize all drugs. You take main source of income of criminals

Amazon miscreants May 9

They’ve already planned ahead and diversified into human trafficking. Should we make that legal too? How many child sex slaves should everyone be able to own?

Meta richаrdhea May 9

Making prostitution legal will cut a lot of that too.

Intel fatheroall May 9

The three letter agencies do this kind of stuff all the time: assasinations, plots, coups, pornos etc. if they haven’t done it yet means they work for the three letter agencies already…

Expedia Group nadaaqui May 9

I think that would prove to be a dumb idea. but it doesnt really matter, it's just another "marketing message" intended to buy votes that will never happen.

Google OrangeGod May 9

This is another one of those brain-dead policy ideas lacking any real idea of execution and is meant to be a beef for his MAGAmoron base. The chances of this happening are close to zero. Lol.

Uber timurlone May 9

Not sure whether it would work but I’m not fearful of repercussions after it. We killed Osama in Pakistan and Al Baghdadi in Iraq but I don’t see anything bad thereafter.