PoliticsJul 17, 2018

Trump/Putin summit: what are we missing?

I think there’s more than what meets the eye. I mean come on trump is not a complete idiot to not recognize his actions or realize the repercussions of them. Something deeper is going on. What is it that we’re missing? Could he be in danger? Or getting a shit load of money from Putin? Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated to any political party. TC: irrelevant

Microsoft Blkman Jul 17, 2018

Putin knows some deep shit on Trump and/or his family. And now Cheetos is his bitch.

Oath DEADBEEFAF Jul 17, 2018

What kind of dirt would make you commit treason over? We already know that Trump has a thing for his daughter. You think the Kremlin has tape? 🤔

Microsoft Blkman Jul 17, 2018

Wrong question @ DEADBEEF. What is so important that he had to meet Putin in person and in private. The optics of meeting putin when an investigation is on wouldn’t look good. I am not sure what was on the agenda either. So, there is something more going on here. I wish someone wiretapped the 1:1 meeting. That would be awesome.

Facebook TCYOE Jul 17, 2018

Americans hate being involved in foreign affairs b.c of clown. Other countries hate America/don’t trust it. Isolationism rises, populism rises, nationalism rises. We get an even worse President than Trump and America’s credit in the world community plummets. ??? NATO dissolves ??? Profit for Putin.

Facebook admins_mom Jul 17, 2018

Ok, but so why did clown do that? You're missing a motive, putin's a serious smooth-talker but can he supply trump with that good a motive to go through this? Flattery alone wouldn't be enough, trump isn't THAT much of an idiot

Facebook TCYOE Jul 17, 2018

If it isn’t clear already, Trump is deeply in the pocket of Putin. It could be business ties, power, secrets, fear, whatever. Who cares about Trumps motive. The most important thing is how to mitigate Trumps/Russian influence or we will continue down this path.

Facebook admins_mom Jul 17, 2018

Wild guess here: he chose "the best of 2 bad options". Either lose some support at home or [fill in the blank]. He's played maverick so far and eventually gotten his way -> he's hoping it plays out this way again. If the whole collusion thing were true, it would explain everything very nicely: Mueller could be getting close and he's kinda powerless in that regard as far as I understand things. Now he may not be a complete idiot, but from what I've seen so far, his idea of winning arguments/proving himself innocent involves shoving his yuge balls down everyone's throat. Or maybe it's just simply money-related. Unfortunately, this is conjecture as it is, and he's too much of a wild card for me to read more tea leaves. I'll leave that up to the trolls or to people smarter/more knowledgeable. I hope you're ready for a dumpster fire of a thread if it gets popular

Microsoft HelloFres OP Jul 17, 2018

Yeah ready for diverse opinions. The media unfortunately is playing the same tune (criticizing him) and not trying to see the truth underneath.

Facebook admins_mom Jul 17, 2018

Left-wing media will catch on, give it a few hours/days

Aetna VGUB45 Jul 17, 2018

You are giving trump way too much credit. There is no wizard behind the curtain.

Microsoft Blkman Jul 17, 2018

Anyone who thinks Trump is a moron is completely clueless. The dude is super human when it comes to telling exactly what the other person wants to hear. You keep underestimating Trump, he will hand your ass to you in 2020.

Google snekbuddy Jul 17, 2018

being a good grifter and a moron are not mutually exclusive

Tableau krxi15 Jul 17, 2018

How is TC not relevant to this?

Apple Okidoki Jul 17, 2018

It is enough that Trump knew about the hack and didn’t report it to FBI to prove the collusion. How big is the chance of that, given what we already know? I am sure when Trump and his team were given the opportunity they didn’t even think it was wrong or illegal, these guys don’t have any regard to the law. Yet now you don’t even need the pee tape: Putin knows they knew about the hack and it became the blackmailing tool on its own. Any further coordination makes the case even stronger. Mueller needs enough data to prove the collusion beyond a reasonable doubt and the best way is to make someone from the room to cooperate. Even if his team has enough evidence for the prosecutors to be absolutely sure, they still need to convince the rest of the world. Trump knows that they are close and very nervous about it. His only way out is to discredit the FBI when no one believes what they say (and his base believes everything he says). Just like Russia managed to discredit MH17 investigation internally and when 4 years after that Boeing was shot and investigation team published the results only few people in Russia took it seriously.

Fitbit Tampa Jul 17, 2018

What's missing is the pee tape.

Amazon 🍺+🏈=🍺🏈 Jul 17, 2018

I don’t think Putin has anything on Trump, and even if he did it wouldn’t matter. For reference, check the last 3 years: nothing matters when it comes to Trump. Putin just says nice things about Trump. While other world leaders stand up to him or refuse to praise him, Putin acts like the father Trump never had. It’s so hilariously easy for them. The talk of blackmail makes for a good TV pilot plot but it’s not relevant in the real world. Trump is a sucker for anyone who praises him, especially when that person has power.

Microsoft WoCE36 Jul 17, 2018

Missing Muellers stupidity for sure

Microsoft TrumpWins Jul 17, 2018

The media is trying to get him in a trap. Because if he confronted Putin about meddling, the media would immediately claim he validated the Mueller investigation. Since he didn't do that they now claim that he's selling out America. There was little chance he would come out of this with a win