PoliticsJan 10, 2019
Credit KarmaEllisDee25

Trump’s Sadism — and Democrats’ Accomodationism

“This has been the broader pattern of the Democratic position on immigration over the last decade. In the pursuit of what they call comprehensive immigration reform, the Democrats have persistently accepted the Republican framing of an immigration crisis, and nodded to the need for more enforcement and more deportation, while opposing only the most lunatic excesses of Republican xenophobia, whether it was the Sensenbrenner bill in 2006, Arizona’s SB 1070 in 2010, or Trump’s “beautiful, thirty-foot wall” today. The result of this accomodationism has been a massive militarization of the Southern border that has caused untold human suffering. It is estimated that over ten thousand people have died crossing the border since Bill Clinton first started constructing a border barrier, the effect of which has been to drive migrants into deeper and more remote parts of the desert as they attempt to cross. Today, border enforcement resembles nothing so much as organized sadism, as Border Patrol agents literally comb through the desert dumping out containers of water they find lest they give succor to thirsty immigrants. That the Democrats are willing to countenance such brutality, while opposing Trump’s wall as a step too far, is only one of the sad ironies that afflict immigration politics in the United States. The bigger one is that the increasing acceptance of militarized border enforcement in official politics has developed at the same time that public opinion has become less and less xenophobic. In this light, the Trump administration’s contempt for democracy is, in the context of American politics, far less exceptional than liberal pundits would like to think. ... This brutality will continue until pro-immigrant public opinion is translated into a political movement capable of confronting both Trump’s Neanderthal xenophobia and the Democrats’ more urbane vision of unmanned drones and seismic sensors. Against both, the Left should pose a simple demand: let them all in.” https://jacobinmag.com/2019/01/donald-trump-border-immigration-speech-democrats

Trump's Sadism - and Democrats' Accomodationism
Trump's Sadism - and Democrats' Accomodationism
Microsoft Decius Mus Jan 10, 2019

Trump’s appeal is his willingness—eagerness—gleefulness!—to mock the ridiculous lies we’ve been incessantly force-fed for the past 19 years (at least) and tell the truth. “Diversity” is not “our strength”; it’s a source of weakness, tension and disunion. America is not a “nation of immigrants”; we are originally a nation of settlers, who later chose to admit immigrants, and later still not to, and who may justly open or close our doors solely at our own discretion, without deference to forced pieties. Immigration today is not “good for the economy”; it undercuts American wages, costs Americans jobs, and reduces Americans’ standard of living. Islam is not a “religion of peace”; it’s a militant faith that exalts conversion by the sword and inspires thousands to acts of terror—and millions more to support and sympathize with terror. “American exceptionalism” does not require, or even encourage, us to democratize the world—a task of which we are in any case incapable. The Iraq War was a strategic and tactical blunder that destroyed a country (however badly governed), destabilized a region, and harmed American interests. The benefits of free trade concentrate at the top (outsize profits) and bottom (cheap panem et circenses); the middle, and especially the working, classes have been hurt by globalization.

OpenTable Meliodas Jan 10, 2019

Bullshit. The world would be a much better place if America actually acted upon its belief that rights are inherent and enforced the Bill of Rights’ limitations upon the rest of the world’s governments.

Microsoft Decius Mus Jan 10, 2019

The Preamble to the United States Constitution pledges its purpose to “form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” The Preamble’s final five words make abundantly clear, there are practical limits to how much good, and for whom, politics can accomplish. The Constitution and the social compact it enshrines are for us—the American people—and not for foreigners, immigrants (except those we choose to welcome), or anyone else. The original state constitutions of Massachusetts and Virginia—twin cradles of the American Revolution—state much the same: “The end of … government is to secure the existence of the body-politic; to protect it; and to furnish the individuals who compose it”; and “government is … instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community.” The same men who declared that “all men are created equal” also, and in virtually the same breath, excluded “all men” from de facto or implicit membership in the American nation.

OpenTable Meliodas Jan 10, 2019

I’ve never understood the claim that on the one hand, liberty and rights are inherent—not bestowed by government—but on the other hand, that inherency is dependent on where government says a border is and which side one is born on.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 OP Jan 10, 2019

“What is it about inalienable rights bestowed by the creator that you don’t get, illegal alien!”

Snowflake Computing Bullshitty Jan 10, 2019

1. Xenophobia? - Please get checked with a doctor. He's only talking about illegal immigrants as defined by our constitution 2. People dying? - Well why wouldn't they be happy in Mexico? Why would they not follow the process? 3. Republican stance has always been consistent. Democrats are all over the place on this issue, and their hypocrisy is showing more than ever 4. I'm sorry, but if I die in an accident while coming to your house, how is that your fault? It's my fault for not driving well Say yay for Open borders and Universal Healthcare.

Twitch daddyb Jan 10, 2019

Snowflake....yep checks out

Snowflake Computing Bullshitty Jan 10, 2019

Twitch I see, you make naked girls partners on your platform. Pay thots more than guys. And most shamelessly, let one of your streamers to be used in YouTube rewind that became the most disliked video on YouTube. So you're one to talk.

Microsoft hellobyby Jan 10, 2019

Illegals are illegal - and accretive to crime rate in volume and per person. Most aren’t refugees and are looking to leech off US welfare system. No thanks, SJWs.

Microsoft pJcW86 Jan 10, 2019

How does an illegal get welfare?

Microsoft hellobyby Jan 10, 2019

Fake federal documentation + other benefits (can go to emergency rooms, etc.). I don’t want an illegal to get priority in US hospitals that take away from honest Americans.