PoliticsNov 21, 2018

Tump supporters and immigrant haters, here is a trick to prevent immigrants via root cause analysis

The root cause of why so many immigrants are coming to the US is because of job opportunities here. The easiest way to turn away immigrants is to just crash US economy and jack up the unemployment rate. If no job is available in the US, immigrants will leave and find opportunities in other country. No need to waste money on building wall or hiring people to extreme vetting H1Bs. The number speaks for itself, the H1Bs during 2008 recession didn't event hit the quota and therefore there was not even a lottery. Let's make America great again by crashing the economy and jacking up the unemployment rate!

Apple hMWF54 Nov 21, 2018

GOP is working hard at that. No worries

Boeing Airbus Nov 21, 2018

What does this have to do with anti-illegal immigration that Trump supporters support?

Microsoft /_-\ OP Nov 21, 2018

Trump and his supporters want all immigrants out regardless of legal or illegal. Trump supporters think the high skilled immigrants are taking the jobs they could fill and they demand the companies to train them to take the high skilled jobs.

Microsoft /_-\ OP Nov 21, 2018

Are you living under the rock? If you really believe what the president says, you should also have believed Obama when he said he is securing the border. Apparently Trump's action says otherwise. Just ask your Indian and Chinese coworker. They will tell you how the H1Bs denial rate skyrocketed even for highly skilled workers working and Google and Microsoft. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/06/26/politics/republicans-oppose-legal-illegal-immigration/index.html

Microsoft tessla Nov 21, 2018

This is obviously low effort troll but liberals actually want the economy to crash so they can blame Trump.

Google fil Nov 21, 2018

Yes we want to ruin millions of peoples livelihoods just to see one guy we don't particularly like get minorly inconvenienced during his reelection campaign...

Microsoft tessla Nov 21, 2018

Look up Bill Maher. I did not make it up.

Amazon Bs)&:! Nov 21, 2018

I’m a trump supporter and love (legal) immigrants.

Microsoft /_-\ OP Nov 21, 2018

Most Trump supporters want all immigrants out regardless of their skills in high demand or not. Trump supporters think the high skilled immigrants are taking the jobs they could fill and they demand the companies to train them to take the high skilled jobs.

Amazon Bs)&:! Nov 21, 2018

No they dont. That’s a silly straw man. Nobody wants to engage in discourse if you’re just going to box people into moronic and easily debatable positions.

Amazon Tough life Nov 21, 2018

US economy affects the world economy. It all feeds into itself and no one can stay immune to us market crash. So you can’t find jobs elsewhere so easily if this was to happen.

Google k7db15 Nov 21, 2018

or, Or, OR Let in immigrants with skills in high demand at numbers that won't drive down American wages too much and kick out people who enter the country illegally or break the terms of their visa. Like. Every. Single. Other. Country.

Microsoft /_-\ OP Nov 21, 2018

Trump and his supporters want all immigrants out regardless of their skills in high demand or not. Trump supporters think the high skilled immigrants are taking the jobs they could fill and they demand the companies to train them to take the high skilled jobs.

Intel UrMomma Nov 21, 2018

^this is dumb AF

Intel UrMomma Nov 21, 2018

Another ignorant post. Trump supporters and trump don’t hate immigrants. Ffs get educated. Even dems have a history of wanting and promising a better secure border. Chuck Nancy Obama. And many others are recorded saying so. Ok. Are you now aligned ? Others your fake as fake news. Nobody I know is against legal immigration. In fact it is a great thing. This issue has been kicked around by both side for ages. Used against us in voting wars. Have a strong liberal legal immigration process. And a fast route to citizenship. Know who is here and who needs to leave. Each new president can turn the knob as they wish. Get the fuck over trump and trump followers hating immigrants it just shows how ignorant you are.

Microsoft /_-\ OP Nov 21, 2018

You are the ignorant one. Trump is making legal immigration harder than ever. H1Bs denial rates has increased by 41% since Trump took over the white house. High skilled immigrants are now afraid to change job because of visa denial. This is statistics, not fake news. Every Trump supporter I know is against H1B and believe legal immigrants are taking their jobs.

Microsoft ThisOrThat Nov 22, 2018

So? Legal immigration should be hard. The easier the flow of immigrants will be more will be the suppression of wages. That’s common sense. If some citizens are against it, it is understandable. I am a legal immigrant here and have no qualms Also I know the difference between legal and illegal immigration, something the left tends to ignore when using it as a point against Trump

Amazon Dangalf Nov 22, 2018

Anyone using the term “fake news” in a way to discredit anything is a fucktard. I’m tired of that blanket statement, it literally means nothing and is a way to pull the wool over your eyes. Drink your Kool Aid and leave the rest of us alone.