Tech IndustryJan 16, 2022

Twitter DC Office

Can engineers work from the twitter office in DC? The job is remote but I want to live by an office. More generally can engineers choose any of the US offices from the list on the twitter website? Are there offices that are just sales or just lobbying that engineers can’t go to? Tc: 185#

Twitter oltg78 Jan 16, 2022

I could be wrong but I think now that there’s no assigned desks that if your offer is a remote offer that once we move from stage 2 (partially open) to fully “new normal” you’ll be allowed to go to any office any time as long as you reserve a desk in advance

Twitter FleetFlot Jan 16, 2022

I don't know anything about the DC Twitter office, but if you're interested in being able to access an office and not be 100% remote, a recruiter could definitely answer that

whathehek Jan 17, 2022

You can’t be remote + access offices. So just ask them to list your office at the DC office and then you’ll be able to reserve a desk.