Job OpeningsMay 4, 2020

Two Sigma Data Analyst apply through recruiters or company?

I'm seeing a Data Analyst position for Two Sigma offered by multiple recruiters and Two Sigma itself. Would it be better to apply through a recruiter or directly to the company or both? #career #finance #twosigma #twosigmacareers

32 Participants
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Two Sigma SkUF72 May 5, 2020

DA is a sql+data cleaning+pipeline job. No quant work

Barings QuantMe OP May 5, 2020

Yeah, I understand. My problem is that it wasn't until my last year of my undergrad, where I got my math minor, that I realized I wanted to do more quantitative work and by that time it was too late to transition. I've learned a little C++, am now learning Python more rigorously, and I'm looking at doing a Masters in Mathematics in a couple years and see this as a good opportunity in the meantime.

AdRoll BeachThing Jun 20, 2020

Do you know what pay looks like in base and bonus for data analyst?

Two Sigma ToHU06 May 7, 2020

Go directly, my guess is that most companies are trying to be more cost conscience these days and so will prioritize non-headhunted candidates to keep hiring costs lower. Of course I’m not close to the recruiting side so this is just speculation on my part.

Two Sigma shorten May 14, 2020

I heard it’s a pretty shitty job