Misc.May 8

Two dudes rob Asian girl's LV bag

Another reason why you shouldn't buy luxuries that flaunt your wealth, like Canada goose, LV, Hermes, Gucci bags. You're a walking target for the robbers. And that's prob why this Asian girl got targeted.

91 Participants
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Roblox tiredblox May 8

Where was this

Cisco GundamSeed OP May 8


NVIDIA qBQn04 May 8

She obv deserved it for flaunting her wealth.

Amazon foh39cb10r May 8

Correct, because poor people are never the target of robberies, or crimes.

Amazon east LA May 8

This is a bad argument. It's called probability

Amazon foh39cb10r May 8

If you're going to bring probability into it, why would you drive a car because deaths from auto crashes are much higher than not driving a car. (Or anything that is inherently more probability of a negative outcome vs not doing it at all). Why have a job in tech when typing increases carpal tunnel and arthritis a lot more probability than not typing all day? That is truly moving goal posts and you want to talk about a bad argument?

Amazon pip day May 8

Remember you're also supposed to offer your house keys and unlock your iPhone https://globalnews.ca/news/10359055/leave-car-keys-the-front-door-to-avoid-home-invasion-toronto-police

Capital One pinea May 8

Wow, glad we have the second amendment in the USA instead of hiding in our homes like prey.

Amazon pHmo83 May 8

I hope that quote is taken out of context…

Meta 🧢👒🎩🪖⛑️⛑️🪖🎩👒🧢 May 8

Well well well

Adobe tiktoktikk May 8

That was a fake LV lol

hqSN12 May 8

Canada 🥹

Amazon bobmarley6 May 8

Don’t the rich and fashionable girls have a man at their disposal? Also someone had a clear shot with the picture but had no balls to stop it?

Coupang rickyricky May 8

this is peak victim blaming 😂

Samsara turdyefje May 8

Let me get this straight - two people get robbed and your response is to blame the victims?

Coupang rickyricky May 8

East asian + woman = blind hate boner only goes up

Cisco GundamSeed OP May 8

Um no. The point I'm trying to make is don't flaunt your wealth otherwise you'll get targeted