Twtr vs YouTube going to be the new meta vs apple ?

Back in 2019 apple wanted to enter the ads space so they did a brilliant marketing on privacy for what would be a multi year strategy to cut meta's legs out from under them and currently forcing them to pivot their business model. Apple is a big reason why meta is in the gutter right now. Just saw this This is going to be the new feud ? We all know, horrible as he may be, Elongated muskrat knows how to run a business and run a PR campaign ๐Ÿ™ˆ #engineering #software #swe #faang #spacex #machinelearningengineer

Elon Musk Declares War on a Silicon Valley Giant - TheStreet
Elon Musk Declares War on a Silicon Valley Giant - TheStreet
63 Participants
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Indeed _theTopG Nov 6, 2022

it's the end of Elon not google

Indeed _theTopG Nov 6, 2022

but if anyone can do it, it's elon

Amazon alpha93_ OP Nov 6, 2022

Just curious - why do you think it's the end of Elon ? Even if Twitter goes to gutter he has multiple other successful businesses and is still the world's richest man by a large margin

ShareChat overesti Nov 6, 2022

Daily I see thousands of posts or news of what he wishes of but hardly .000001 percent come to realty This is also some another post.

Yahoo BiAK70 Nov 7, 2022

You have more faith in Twitter's ads initiative than your own employer's. Amazon has better chances - still isn't going to unseat Google. Why would Twitter?