Chime cross-functional interview

Hey guys, I have a Chime final round interview next week. It consists of 4 interviews: - coding - system design - cross-functional - engineering manager. I'm fairly familiar with most of the formats, but does anyone have experience with their cross-functional interviews? It's with two product employee's, so I'm guessing it's going to be a bit product focused. #chime #tech #interviews

PayPal cyrus01 May 7


Capital One DbmD24 OP May 7


Chime poIop May 8

It's about how you would collaborate with product managers, design etc partners. Nothing technical but more on the behavioral side, culture fit. Something like tell me about a project where you did so & so and product requirements were unclear.

BMO qJkn82 5d

Hello, Can I DM you for a referral?