Branch desbhakt Jan 30

Damn, that's why my package has been sitting in Oakland for the last 3 days

RmtWrk Jan 30

Ouch. Oakland. Thought that place burned to the ground

Branch desbhakt Jan 30

I'm about 50% sure my package will show up with the contents missing

Apple timmymouse Jan 30

I guess they got their revenge on the workers for trying to strike last summer and negotiating those big pay raises

Salesforce aurhdba Jan 30

Yep, be thankful for the job peasants, rights what rights, mu ha ha ha

ServiceNow IKxL53 Jan 30

The layoffs affect management and contractors

Col Custrd Jan 30

Amazon now sells mostly crap so no shocker there.

FedEx limpboner Jan 31

AliExpress goods with 200% mark-up

Capscanada mopaneworm Jan 30

So around 2% of the company gets laid off and people think it's the apocalypse. Chill.

Datadog pipqueen Jan 30

The Biden economy is doing great! So many jobs gained after the shutdowns caused them to be lost in the first place. Great I say

Lyft 56wFY9 Jan 30


UPS BfMH67 Jan 30

Yup and I’m one of them

UPS misplaced🥴 Jan 30

They already started? Which department/team are you on?

UPS BfMH67 Jan 31

Corp IT