US Passport H1B Folks

How much would you pay if you were H1B and could get permanent U.S. passport ?

44 Participants
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Credit Karma ird61064 May 3

The U.S. already has that program. The EB-5 program.

Kaiser Permanente Fauci2024 May 3

Those 5mil and 10mil folks don't know about the EB-5

ex-Amazon $me||ybutt May 3

Those folks don’t necessarily have $5 mil to $10 mil

NVIDIA DKjs84 May 3

Wouldn’t pay a dime!


You need to become a citizen to get a passport. This question doesn't make sense.

ex-Amazon NooBodyy May 3


Splunk oF$£p May 3

All H-1Bs are paying federal taxes anyways. The longer it takes to get a passport, the more H-1Bs are paying for it. It’s like ARR for uscis and federal govt. why would they want to give away that sweet sweet $$ growth

NVIDIA JYlu22 May 3


ByteDance BitTokByt May 3

U.S. passport is amazing, you can almost go anywhere via visa on arrival