
US offer to negotiate salaries in Canada

Can I use an offer based in the US to negotiate compensation for another offer in Canada?

ServiceNow Vrx34)? Apr 26

The ranges are different. Comp is lower in Canada so, this won’t help you.

Relativity wo-lox3 Apr 26

You can, but make sure you are negotiating based on total comp (i.e. insurance costs, retirement fund contributions, etc)

Improving Enterprises kLBC20 Apr 26


Bloomberg happier4 Apr 26

Nope. It’s like you are asking for 300k salary while you’re living in the third world country. Canada is not a third world by any means but you get the idea

SmartThings Don_Rajess Apr 26

I think Canada is definitely a second world country on the path of becoming third world country

Amazon LemonMusk OP Apr 26

Why do you say it’s on the path to becoming third world

Amazon LemonMusk OP Apr 26

Why do you say it’s on the path to becoming third world