
UWaterloo SE ‘20 Survey. 🧐 Interesting 🧐 results

For those who dont know, UWaterloo Software Engineering is an extremely competitive program in Canada with an average highschool average requriement of around 95-96%. The coop program is easily the best in Canada with 86% of graduates landing a coop in California (something very difficult for Canadians). They had a massive survey of their 2020 grads and there are some interesting takeaways: - Household income and education level of parents did not significantly affect GPA - Average first coop salary was $20/hr, by the sixth coop, average salary was $65/hr (CAD) - Coop salaries in the US were 2x as much as in Canada - Students who learned to code before age 15 on average had a higher first coop salary compared to those who started later. But by the last coop term, there was no significant difference. - Those who worked on side projects “very often” acheived higher coop salary than those who didnt. - 60% of students have had sex - >50% of students had consumed weed - >60% had stuggled with mental health - Average base salary for career after graduating was 175k (CAD) Check out the data:

Facebook n8b7 Jun 17, 2020

Meh, SFU program is equally as good.

Amazon PIPmeDaddy OP Jun 17, 2020

No way, you went to SFU too? I thought SFU coop was ass lmao

Okta dragonn Jun 17, 2020

CS undergrad education isn’t that different for schools like Uoft, Waterloo, UBC, SFU, however the average student at SFU I’ve seen tend to be pretty dumb

LinkedIn U💰S💰D Jun 17, 2020

CS is better than SE in UWaterloo. As a CS student you have a lot more freedom to pick courses that you are interested in. In SE the courses are all preselected for you.

Amazon WaduuHek Jun 17, 2020

Yeah I agree with this. It's also cheaper - in SE you're paying the engineering and CS premium, in CS you only pay the CS premium. At the end of the day you end up getting the same kinds of jobs, so I don't really see SE as being any "better" than CS for practical (job-related) purposes.

Google snoopi Jun 17, 2020

One more statistic: -90% of them leave Canada and move to California/ Seattle

Amazon cfubb Jun 17, 2020


Apple Sanseviera Jun 17, 2020


Google cup-of-tea Jun 17, 2020

336k cad total first year comp as median? That’s so incredibly high

LinkedIn AndSoWeGo Jun 17, 2020

Because it's BS. Even if all those students went to Facebook, they would be getting $125/$19/(160/4) = $184K target first year. But then they will add a $100K sign-on and $40K relocation and say they are earning $324K. Good luck in year 2.

Facebook lppjv89 Jun 17, 2020

Did you go to Waterloo? Why so triggered? It’s okay if the school isn’t the best in the world. Plenty of amazing students and teaching done in other universities. And no, I don’t believe Waterloo is >>>>>> better than the other schools.

Amazon rice_eater Jun 18, 2020

“60% had sex” interesting here so this increases chances to have high salaries ?

Expedia Group coocooloo Jun 27, 2020

Lol why are there always so much hype about Waterloo??? Cmon we all know it’s not in the best CS schools list in NA. Not even close to MIT UCB or CMU. I’ve heard all these stories of Google offices all filled with Waterloo alumni ever since high school too. It looks just SO ridiculous these days. Just go ask any of your FANG friends whether they have a Waterloo colleague or not. I bet 9/10 would say no. Especially that stupid JOMA show, every time he bragged about his Waterloo it just made me sick. Someone who’s been in the industry for four or five years still needs to prove himself by his school???

Facebook m0b7d Jun 27, 2020

Only Canadians care. No one else.

Compass Digital Labs foodtech Jun 27, 2020

Agreed, and this is coming from someone who went to UW LOL

Compass Digital Labs foodtech Jun 27, 2020

Not surprised about US salaries being 2x Canadian salaries lol and I know they fudge co-op numbers